A Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer With The Experience You Need

Domestic violence charges in California come with hefty potential consequences. They can impact not only your freedom but also your reputation, and future opportunities for employment and housing.

At The Law Offices of Colin A. Hardacre, APC, I’m committed to protecting you from those harsh consequences. I know how to build a strong defense against domestic violence charges. I will fight tirelessly to keep you out of jail and spare you the far-reaching penalties of a conviction.

As a Calabasas-based criminal defense attorney with more than 15 years of experience, I’m a proven ally for people from all walks of life facing domestic assault or battery charges throughout the greater Los Angeles area.

Why Domestic Violence Charges Are Never A Sure Thing

Domestic violence charges stem from emotional situations. In the midst of a heated dispute, the details get lost in the scuffle. The story often gets skewed about what exactly happened. The police have to arrest someone, so they make a split-second decision based on their limited view of the situation. That leaves a lot of gray areas open to question.

I Can Find Powerful Angles For Your Defense

The prosecution has a high burden in proving a domestic assault or battery charge. Holding them to that burden – proof beyond a reasonable doubt – is part of my job. I know how to find grounds for a strong defense such as:

  • Inconsistencies in the alleged victim’s story
  • Hidden agendas and other problems with the credibility of witnesses
  • Evidence that you were acting in self-defense
  • Violations of your rights

Should your case go to trial, I have the skill and experience it takes to persuade judges and juries in your favor.

Let’s Start Building A Strong Defense

A domestic violence conviction can haunt you for a long time. You can fight the charges and exercise your right to a capable defense. To learn how I can help, please call 818-303-2211 or send me a quick email.